Monday, September 30, 2019

Morality of Abortion Essay

Introduction In this paper, I will argue that abortion is morally acceptable in certain situations. In defending this argument I will include the reason behind my decision, and I will provide an alternate example using the same general principle. After explaining my principle I will give clarity to two arguments that may be presented by others. Finally, I will conclude by describing any changes that I have made to my general principle. II. Argument 1.) If a person is in a situation in which she can prevent an individual from living a life of pain and suffering, then it is morally acceptable for her to do so. 2. ) In cases in which a mother is in a situation in which she can prevent her unborn child from living a life of pain and suffering, by having an abortion 3. ) Therefore, in this cases it is morally acceptable for a mother to have an abortion. III. Explanation Rule one states â€Å"an argument is good for you if and only if all of the premises are reasonable for you to believe. † For this rule I will use a similar situation with the same general principle. If Allison is a situation in which her favorite dog severely breaks his leg and can not be repaired, then it is morally acceptable for her to euthanize the dog. In this example it is morally acceptable to euthanize the dog because the dog will not be able to walk again and will suffer because it will not be able to move. Therefore, if a person is in a situation in which she can prevent an individual from living a life of pain and suffering, then it is morally acceptable for her to do so. The second and third premise state that (1) In a case where a mother is in a situation in which she can prevent her unborn child from living a life of pain and suffering, by having an abortion (2) Therefore, it is morally acceptable for a mother to have an abortion. In explaining my argument I will give an example that supports the second and third premise. If a mother is in a situation in which she becomes aware that her unborn child has an extremely painful and incurable disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB. This disease causes skin to blister on the slightest touch. many infants that are born with this disease are are con? ned to wearing bandages at all times and can not even with stand their own parents touching them. In this case then it is ok for that mother to have an abortion. This act is ok because if the child is born with a disease that is incurable and painful then that child will be in will suffer for their whole lifetime and in many cases live a very short life. Therefore if a mother is in a situation in which she is able to prevent her unborn child from living a life of pain and suffering then it is morally acceptable for her to have an abortion. Rule two states that the argument must have a pattern such that if the premises are true, then the conclusion must follow. 1. ) If P, then Q 2. ) P 3. ) Therefore, Q 1. ) If P (a person is in a situation in which she can prevent an individual from living a life of pain and suffering), then Q (it is morally acceptable for her to do so. ) 2. ) P (In a case where a mother is in a situation in which she can prevent her unborn child from living a life of pain and suffering, by having an abortion), 3.) Therefore, Q (in some cases it is morally acceptable for a mother to have an abortion. ) IV. Objection An objection that may arise from premise one is that if a person is in a situation in which they sacri? ce their own life to prevent pain and suffering of another individual, then it is not morally acceptable for them to do so. An example of this is if Peter is in a situation in which he can take the place of a person in solitary con? nement, which causes psychological pain and suffering, it is not morally acceptable for him to do so. It is not morally acceptable because although the individual is suffering they knowingly participated in the act that resulted in the pain and suffering. This example expresses a violation of rule two because the argument does not follow a pattern in which the conclusion follows. Another objection that may arise from premise one is if a mother is in a situation in which she can violate the right to life of another person, the fetus, and the fetus is not threatening the mothers life, then it is morally wrong for the mother to violate the fetus’ right to life. My response to this argument is that although the mother’s life is not in danger by having the fetus, after the fetus is born they will live a short and extremely difficult life. This example is a violation of rule two because the premises are not reasonable to believe. V. Conclusion When thinking about the situation previously stated in the paper, I thought about the many options that could be presented when confronted with information, such as the fetus has an incurable and highly painful disease. By weighing the pros and cons of each principle I was able to construct my principle that was stated above. While writing this paper I have changed my general principle by adding the word â€Å"suffering. † By adding this one word I believe that it changes the argument by including another aspect that can make a life unbearable. When ? rst thinking about the reasoning behind my paper I thought about all view points that I could take, but I was able to stay true to my original belief of pro-choice by creating an argument that supports one aspect of the abortion debate.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Citizens for Democracy

A democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving free elections that are periodically held. The necessary moral and intellectual characteristics the citizens of a democracy must possess for the survival and the prosperity of such a form of government include: respect for laws, respect for rights, respect for authority, equal mental worth, and opportunity for all citizens. Some other scholars have argued another notion pertaining to the success of a democracy. Those scholars have suggested the presence of certain economic conditions is necessary for a democracy to continue to exist and to flourish. A democracy will go as far as the citizens of that democracy will take it. Therefore, the moral and intellectual characteristics that those citizens possess are pivotal. Moral characteristics are those in which help the citizens set a standard of what is right and good for the country. These include respect for laws, rights, and authority. The citizens must respect the laws for many reasons, mainly for fear of punishment that usually entails a loss of freedom. The citizens must also have a respect for the rights they and others have. This gives each citizen a sense of equality to one and other, they all have the same rights under the law, which allows freedom to be put into action. Besides these characteristics, the citizens of a democracy must have a respect for authority. Those in authority are the ones protecting the laws and the rights of the citizens. If the citizens value their freedom and liberty, then they must respect the protectors of those freedoms and liberties. Intellectual characteristics are necessary because the citizen's ability for rational or intelligent thought adds to the prosperity of the democracy. The citizens must be able to, as Tocqueville states, â€Å"educate democracy; to put, if possible, new life into its beliefs; to purify its mores; to control its actions; gradually to substitute understanding of statecraft for present inexperience and knowledge of its true interest for blind instincts; to adapt government to the needs of time and place; and to modify it as men and circumstances require. The citizens of a democracy must see each other as having equal mental worth. All citizens should understand that the opportunity for education should be present. But, the amount of education should not be what is most important: the citizens must understand it's what you do with the education that matters most. Intellectually everyone is different; some are more educated than others, and others less. The citizens must have the insight to understand that everyone is equal under the law and in the rights that are bestowed upon them. These characteristics are all very important to the survival of a democracy. Theodore Roosevelt explains this best when he stated, â€Å"A democracy must consist of men who are intellectually, morally, and materially fit to be their own masters. † There are, however, other scholars who believe that certain economic conditions must be also present for the continued survivability of a democracy. The characteristics of the citizens are very important to the success of a democracy, but groups of people known as progressives, believe that economic situations in a democracy play just as important of a role. The economic situation that they claim is needed is economic equality. As Franklin Roosevelt, a progressive and former President of the United States, stated, â€Å"Our government, formal and informal, political and economic, owes to everyone an avenue to possess himself of a portion of that plenty sufficient for his needs, through his own work. † It is the government's responsibility to ensure economic equality to all citizens, which is important, because, the prosperity of a democracy depends on the prosperity of its citizens. Theodore Roosevelt, another progressive and President, furthers this notion by contending, â€Å"there is no point in having prosperity unless there can be an equitable division of prosperity. † This must therefore be extended to economics: for the democracy to move forward and provide for its citizens, the citizens themselves must have the economic stability. If there were not an equal distribution of prosperity, in the economic sense, the government would have to create programs to â€Å"level the playing field. Examples of these programs are welfare and affirmative action. While these programs are different, they have the same purpose: to help those in need which would, in turn, level the playing field. A democracy is faced with many challenges that it must be able to adjust to, including the economic growth of its citizens and the security of that growth. L. B. Johnson stated, â€Å"The challenge of the next half of the century is whether we have the wisdom to use that wealth to enrich and elevate our national life, and to advance the quality of our American civilization. Therefore, for a democracy to survive, that democracy and the citizens of the democracy must have the ability to move forward and shape their own future to assure prosperity and survival. This is the link between the economic and the political. In conclusion, the citizens of a democracy must possess for it to succeed and survive. Others believe economic conditions affect the prosperity of a democracy. While there are other characteristics that generally impact a democracy, the ones explained are seen as the most important.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Attitude change Essay Example for Free

Attitude change Essay Technology also brought about a change in attitude to many employees because of its personal approach where despite the fact that it allows teams to work together it is also an ideal partner for individual tasks to get done. Craiger JP (2006) claims that technology resulted to a generation of employees who are self starters and problem solvers. By using technology employees learned to work independently, even if they are also dealing with their work teams and welcoming team initiatives on the side. For instance, an employee who does not have a desktop computer or does not know how to use one will have to depend on an encoder or a secretary for files to be encoded, taking two people to finish one document. When errors occur, it will be an accountability of two people. Often, when the margin of error was crossed is impossible to determine. On the other hand, an employee who has a desktop computer and knows how to operate it can type documents himself and be accountable for the whole task. It will also take just one person for the task to be completed. Computer users and the technologically inclined employees are not the only ones who had an attitude change. Those who do not have access to technological innovations in their respective departments were also encouraged to learn how to operate the new gadgets to be able to contribute to the growth of the company and, of course, to avoid being left behind. For fear of being retrenched or laid off by the company for the benefit of accommodating people who can work with the innovations that the organization is adapting, employees are more open than ever to learn new skills specially those that are technological. The same attitude change affects job applicants, who are otherwise not yet members but intending to become members of an organization. Job applicants are now putting more effort in getting at least the simplest technological skills and know-how to get an edge in their job-hunting process, especially with the fact that the younger graduates are more competitive in this area of knowledge. Issues Most of the changes brought about by technology to businesses were positive. The claims cannot be far from the truth. Technology was created to bring in convenience and efficiency, which is what it delivered right from the very start. However, there are also notions as to how technology has largely affected the way in which employees and organizations function, albeit on a negative light. Communication? Contrary to above claims that technology helped the culture of teams to flourish, and that communication became easier through new innovations that companies were investing on, computers and other technological equipment is also blamed for the downgrade in organizational communication. Craiger JP (2006) stressed that computers did not allow employees to communicate until networks were created. There was a great divide between employees who are operating the new facilities, and those who are not. There is also a sub-divide between employees operating the new equipment. The great divide between employees occurs from the very start, when not all employees have access to technology. People who have the know-how are roomed in with the computers, and those who are still on manual work stay in regular cubicles where other employees are present, allowing for interpersonal communication. After much development, majority of employees in many organizations gained access to computers. The problem which turned out later on concerned the transferring, sharing, and merging of files and information within the organization. Born is the network, and things went well. Employees can drag and drop information from and to a colleague, and even share pleasantries with each other on the side. This is where the communication problem began. The problem with technology is that it allows people to be convenient. In fact, employees felt too much convenience that the simplest things are often put on the hands of technology. For instance, instead of dropping by to the nearby cubicle of a co-employee, one just has to click on some icons and send her message through the computer. The technologically-driven workplace also slowly transformed into an impersonal workplace where every bit of thing was coursed through technology. This posed miscommunication problems—messages and files which were not received, lost files, misinterpretation of messages, errors in routing messages, and so on. The list is boundless, but the solution is not far from reach as well. To aid this problem, companies must orient new employees and train existing employees on the art of effective communication, as well as the proper use of company technology. With proper information and education, it is possible for companies to be technologically inclined but still effective in their communication. Re-trainings and new hiring A necessity for many companies who are just starting their technological stance is the re-training of employees. Companies cannot expect all of their employees to be familiar with the jargons and processes of technology once it is initiated in the company. There is also the need for people to maintain the equipment and to troubleshoot them in case something wrong happens. Thus, even if majority of the existing employees know how to operate technological equipment, the company still needs to hire additional people or get an outsourced service for these. This, however, does not sacrifice the cost-effectiveness of business technology. Even if a company spends for additional people or service, the costs that it will incur will still be offset by the multiplicity of role that business technology can undertake. A good way to minimize the costs in this area is to train employees, including those knowledgeable, on the proper use and maintenance of the equipment and by developing guidelines for reporting any problem or damage so that proper and timely intervention can be made. Telecommuting woes A point of debate in the technological workplace is the telecommuting option for employees. This has long been a trend, which proved to be convenient for both telecommuters and their companies. With off-site jobs, telecommuters need not travel to their workplace and be stuck with an office routine. They can also perform personal tasks while working, and avoid the pressure of being confined in an office cubicle. For companies, it saves them the office space the employee needs, and the costs of electricity and other provisional expenses of keeping an employee on the job site. However, human resources managers have one problem with keeping and working with telecommuters and off-site employees in the organization: performance appraisal and monitoring. When an employee works off the job site, he holds his time and place. He may be calling a client for a presentation while waiting for the kids for a drive to the school, and meet the client for a lunch meeting just before going to the grocery for some things needed for dinner. While this requires incredible discipline for tasks to get done, there is no guarantee that all telecommuters have the required character it takes. This brings about the importance of monitoring and performance appraisal, which is an equally grueling task for human resource persons to do with telecommuters. But for many companies, the solution is easy. Monitoring and performance appraisal can be largely dependent on one thing: end product. Telecommuters should be given deadlines and work expectations, and they should in turn give back results. This can prove when an off-site employee has the discipline it takes to work away from work, of he needs to work with the boss around. Privacy issues The ease of organizing work teams is undoubtedly one of the better benefits of modern technology to organizations, but it is not also ideal at all. With the convenient dragging and dropping of information throughout the network of technologically driven companies, it is easy for information to leak and for privacy seals to be broken. On a smaller scale, it can be as simple as one employee stealing the proposal of another employee; or one team member taking full credits to the collaborative work of a work team. On a larger scale it can be the theft of significant company information, or the leak of personal information of employees. This is a possibility to which all companies are susceptible. The exposure of an organization to modern technology, especially that which binds the company to networking, also puts many of its information and exchanges out in the open. Companies, however, need not fret. As privacy has been an utmost concern for many developers of technology, many solutions are now available for companies to protect themselves and their systems. A wide range of products are available to suit many companies’ generic needs, and many developers have come up with security measures that can be customized according to the needs and preferences of an organization. It should be noted, though, that security software and technology does not erase the possibility of privacy issues from taking place. While it can secure much of a company’s information, proper care and understanding of privacy clauses and measures by employees are equally important. Too fast and too furious Another issue concerning companies is the fast turnover of technological trends. New computers and gadgets are introduced everyday, and what is trendy today can be obsolete in a matter of months. While there are companies who are true to their subscription of technology, and strive to invest in newer, better models to improve their standing and service, not all companies can keep up. It can be disheartening for an organization to invest thousands of dollars in innovations, only to find themselves looking for an upgrade months after. Technology’s game is simple: the newer, the better. However, this game should not work for companies as well as they have financial books to consider. For business technology, the key is that whichever fits the company best is the better alternative. Unless very necessary, companies should not feel pressured in constantly buying new equipment every so often to keep up with competition. Delivery of good products and service is what matters most. Attitude change. (2017, Apr 14).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Magnetisation Behaviour of Transition Metals and Ferrites Dissertation

Magnetisation Behaviour of Transition Metals and Ferrites - Dissertation Example Within this dissertation, an examinatio of ferro-, ferri-, and paramagnetic fields and how they all behave distinctly and how the level of magnetism of an object can be measured using a superconducting quantum interfering device (SQUID), the Magnetic Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE), or a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) will be examined. The use of Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR) as a technological advancement with numerous applications within the technological industry that applies magnetic fields to every day appliances and objects will also be examined. The use of the Stoner-Wohlfarth Theory, which assumes samples have a single domain to predict the hysteresis loop, will be presented with an accompanying proof and the results of an experiment using a VSM will be presented. The presented data will detail the magnetic behaviours of ferrites and transition metals. The focus of this dissertation is to discuss the behaviour of ferrites and transition metal alloys when they are magnetised. Ferrites are ferromagnetic materials (Kazimierczuk, 2009). Ferromagnetic substances are materials which acquire strong magnetic properties following the direction of the applied field when exposed to a magnetic field. The property demonstrated by ferromagnetic substances, such as iron, nickel, cobalt, steel, gadolinium and their corresponding alloys are termed as ferromagnetism. (Prakash, 2009). Transition metals are the metallic elements that serve as a bridge, or transition, between the two sides of the periodic table of elements and are located in groups IB through VIIIB. The transition elements are known as the transition metals because they possess the properties of metals in that these elements are very hard, with high melting and boiling points. Additional characteristics of transition metals are that they have several oxidation states, they usually form coloured compounds, and they are often paramagnetic. The transition elements include the important metals iron, copper and silver, although iron and titanium are the most abundant transition elements and the majority of catalysts for industrial reactions involve transition elements. Magnetisation refers to the exposure of a metal to a magnetic field causing the metal to be magnetised with the level of magnetism being a function of the strength of the magnetic field (Cullity and Graham, 2009). In a more technical sense, magnetisation was described by Lalena and Cleary (2010)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Health Care Database Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Care Database Systems - Essay Example Database Management Systems (DBMS) have been introduced to develop and alter these data. Databases are widely employed across the healthcare industry for satisfying a range of needs. As Martin (2008) points out, healthcare databases really assist the industry by performing a range of healthcare functions, including the areas of patient care, hospital administration, and research and education. The author adds that the field of critical care medicine has significantly advanced with the development of well-integrated healthcare databases. Viljoen (2009) argues that these databases are greatly beneficial for physicians to obtain easy access to the previous health history of individual patients and hence to begin treatment as early as possible (p.v). In other words, healthcare databases eliminate the need for a prolonged communication between doctors and patients or any other unwanted delay in treatment. In the current healthcare environment, databases are widely used to facilitate local assessments or evaluations. For instance, health professionals rely on healthcare databa ses for assessing specific outpatient conditions or inpatient hospital events. In addition, these data are increasingly used regionally or nationally for evaluating and comparing the performance of various healthcare systems within or across the industry. As Martin suggests, administrative data provided by healthcare databases can be used for comparing across national boundaries and identifying the differences in healthcare and disease globally. The writer adds that â€Å"administrative healthcare databases are uniquely suitable for epidemiological studies of disease, particularly for studying the incidence or outcome of rare diseases that are impossible to study locally or within traditional cohort studies† (Martin, 2008).  Ã‚  

Comparing and contrasting HMO and PPO insurance programs Essay

Comparing and contrasting HMO and PPO insurance programs - Essay Example Whenever a policyholder needs the services of a specialist doctor, the PCP needs to be visited to refer the specialist to be visited by the policyholder, HMO or PPO. Difference between HMO and PPO comes in the PCP aspect. For HMO, there is no choice; the member has to identify a PCP but in PPO, it is not mandatory. It depends on the will of the members to choose a PCP or not. In other words, the PPO members can select a specialist by their own (Daltons, 2007). Personally, I would like to opt for HMO, reason being it suits my needs. I do not need to search for any specialist myself. Whosoever the specialist, I will be referred to by the PCP; it would relieve me from the tension of finding a good specialist. It is cost-effective also, as I will be eligible for coverage or benefits, not available in PPO for getting medical care outside of the private network. I need not pay from my own pocket if I select HMO, as my healthcare insurance provider (Dalton, 2007). It needs to be noted that a PPO member will not pay extra if the chosen doctor is from the preferred providers, but the HMO member can consult only the selected PCP. If there is some emergency, the selected PCP would refer the case to the specialist in the HMO network only. In the case of PPO, advanced permission might be required for costly services, such as MRIs. Even in HMO, procedures and prescription services and copayments for doctor visits are charged. In PPO arrangement, out-of-network charges are only partly paid (Behari, 2010). Role of the PCP is very critical in HMO, as it is the PCP who caters to all healthcare needs of the insurer. A PCP functions as a personal doctor to attend to all needs of the patient. A PCP could either be an internal medicine physician, family physician, and in some HMOs, gynecologists to offer essential healthcare for women. A PCP can be a pediatrician too or a family doctor as well, as per one’s choice for getting treatment for

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental Liability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Liability - Essay Example It is in the reasoning with the teleological ethics which calls fro moral obligation towards a desirable good end of any process that the company has acted on the environmental consequence of its business as a part of its moral obligation. Let us look at the initiatives that BP has taken towards addressing the issue of the changes in the environment. (Shah, 2003) BP traces its existence from 1908 when it was involved in the search for oil in the rugged part of Persia after it conducted a long and difficult search for the precious commodity. Since then the company has been able to propel through the years with use of superior technology and good management practices to a global company that it is now. (BP, 2008e) It has different products for the road for home and for business. On the road the company provides BP gas cards, Fuel and stations, motor oil and lubricants, route planner, station locator and target neutral. On our homes the company provides liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and solar which are important sources of energy for our homes. Fore the business field, the company has an array of product like air BP, ARCO Aluminium, Aromatics and Acetyls, Asphalt and Bitumen, BP Crude, BP Franchising, BP gas cards, Gas and power, Industrial Lubricants, Invoice tracking system, Marine fuel and lubricants, and solar. . BP and the environment One of the biggest challenges that the company faced by the turn of the century was increasing criticism from many parts of the world on the way it was responding to the changes that were taking place in the environment. It was a challenge that the company had to take initiatives in since it was a threat to its line business. (Thompson, 2001) The company was faced with an ethical dilemma of continuing with its business amid the outcry from the public on the effects of fossil fuel on the environment. Its direct line of business was being affected and it had to do something. Since the company also understood the effects of the fossil fuels on the environment, there were not many alternatives to the problem and therefore the best way to deal with the problem was to do something about it. It had to stay in business despite the effects it was making on the environment. In light of the deontological ethical theory that dictates that obligatory or the duty that we have, the company had to come up with a way of dealing with the problem. Following the postulation of the theory, the line of business of the company was legal and justified in driving the economic system of the world. But at the same time it the consequences of het action were right and wrong at the same time. They were right in the sense that we all depend on fossil fuel as a source of energy and wrong in the sense that they are polluting the environment. The more the company tried to apply these ethical theories, the more complex the matter became and the more the dilemma. Environment and society In order to address the changes that were taking place in the environment and to play a role in the society, the company started environment and society program. Although the program started on a small scale it has expanded in the recent

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Military Intervention in Turkish Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Military Intervention in Turkish Politics - Essay Example Intellectuals and politicians also voiced out sentiments against the monopolization of political power by a single party. In response to these issues, the president permitted greater freedom for the expression of political opposition. Some members of the RPP took advantage of this and formed the new organization, the Democratic Party. For next four years, the Democrats frequently challenged government policy and were able to attract support by proficiently utilizing the growing popular hostility with the interference of the state in peoples' lives. The state eventually underwent a peaceful transition to a multiparty. The government had undertook agricultural reforms and to improve the standard of living of the peasants. They brought in huge quantities of expensive agricultural machinery, built dams and irrigation canals and constructed a national network of highways that in general helped communication as well as unlock previously remote regions to commercial agriculture. By mid-1950s the economy began to decline and agriculture was devastated by series of droughts. In addition, they faced a problem of spending without planning and importing consumer products and expensive machinery without funds to pay for them. It created annual budget deficits that in turn amounting national debt. The Democrats faced public cr iticism. Eventually, they censor the press, imprison journalists, and shut down offending newspapers which caused violent protest. The government called upon the army to disrupt Republican Party campaign rallies to maintain law and order. However, they didn't want to be turned into a tool of political repression against the state's principle and in time, the intervened and ended the first Turkish republic. Second Intervention Turkey underwent social, economic, and demographic change. There was a rapid urbanization caused by the migration of villagers to cities in search of better economic opportunities. Social and economic transformation, for the most part with the transition from an agricultural to a mixed economy put strain to Turkey's two-party political system, the Republican and Justice. When new governments came to power, the industrialists and peasants, who prospered in the first republic, did not want to lose their status. They formed political parties to represent their particular interests in the national assembly. On the other hand, the industrial workers and university students, Marxists and Muslim revivalists, believed their needs were being ignored. They formed their own organizations and parties through which they hoped to gain a share of political power. The process of institutionalizing interest groups led to a propagation of political parties. Various smaller organizations attracted enough voters to prevent either Justice or the Republicans ahead with absolute majority. The excessive favors granted to the minorities causes social and political disorder and paralyze the legislative process. There was a wave of social unrest marked by street demonstrations,

Monday, September 23, 2019

Guest speaker paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Guest speaker paper - Movie Review Example The presentation seems to cover the fundamental aspects of marketing and their relevance in the hospitality industry. Incorporation of the modern advancement in information technology is highlighted by the guest speaker as instrumental in determining the success of hospitality industry. Marketing must therefore include comprehensive consumer feedback systems. This would help the hospitality company to make necessary adjustments and fill the demand gap which will go a long way in boosting the image of the firm. The speaker focusses on the need to adopt new hospitality and travel marketing management practices in order to remain relevant in the market (Nykiel,2012). Positioning is pointed out as a critical tool in enhancing the positive outcome in any marketing endeavors. This would be achieved through in-depth analysis of market trend and emerging consumer behavior. Market segmentation and 8Ps are explored by the speaker as they are considered core in boosting the overall set goals. E mbracing diverse cultural background of the hospitality consumer community is a strong variable when it comes to attaining customer satisfaction. The presentation has exhausted the expected marketing plan strategies and its impact in determining the success of an existing company or potential entrant. The speaker’s contribution in hospitality marketing offers an insight into the underlying concepts in organization success. Management practices and flexibility to emerging changes remains key in achieving short and long term goals. It is worth to note that intensifying competition in the hospitality industry calls for sound marketing plan. The plan must accommodate changes as market trend evaluation takes course. Hospitality and travel industry has experienced significant changes due to the influence of globalization (Nykiel, 2012). In essence, I believe the speaker’s ideas would be helpful in understanding the marketing management transition

Saturday, September 21, 2019

El Filibusterismo Essay Example for Free

El Filibusterismo Essay Thirteen years after leaving the Philippines, Crisostomo Ibarra returns as Simoun, a rich jeweler sporting a beard and blue-tinted glasses, and a confidant of the Captain-General. He cynically sides with the upper classes, encouraging them to commit abuses against the masses to encourage the latter to revolt against the oppressive Spanish colonial regime. His two reasons for instigating a revolution are at first, to rescue Marà ­a Clara from the convent and second, to get rid of ills and evils of Philippine society. His true identity is discovered by a now grown-up Basilio while visiting the grave of his mother, Sisa, as Simoun was digging near the grave site for his buried treasures. Simoun spares Basilio’s life and asks him to join in his planned revolution against the government, egging him on by bringing up the tragic misfortunes of the latters family. Basilio declines the offer as he still hopes that the country’s condition will improve. Basilio, at this point, is a graduating medical student at the Ateneo Municipal. After the death of his mother, Sisa, and the disappearance of his younger brother, Crispà ­n, Basilio heeded the advice of the dying boatman, Elà ­as, and traveled to Manila to study. Basilio was adopted by Captain Tiago after Marà ­a Clara entered the convent. Simoun, for his part, keeps in close contact with the bandit group of Kabesang Tales, a former cabeza de barangay who suffered misfortunes at the hands of the friars. He was forced to give everything he had owned to the greedy, unscrupulous Spanish friars and the Church. Before joining the bandits, Tales took Simoun’s revolver while Simoun was staying at his house for the night. As payment, Tales leaves a locket that once belonged to Marà ­a Clara. To further strengthen the revolution, Simoun has Quiroga, a Chinese man hoping to be appointed consul to the Philippines, smuggle weapons into the country using Quiroga’s bazaar as a front. Simoun wishes to attack during a stage play with all of his enemies in attendance. He, however, abruptly aborts the attack when he learns from Basilio that Marà ­a Clara had died earlier that day in the convent. A few days after the mock celebration by the stu dents, the people are agitated when disturbing posters are found displayed around the city. The authorities accuse the students present at the panciterà ­a of agitation and disturbing peace and has them arrested. Basilio, although not present at the mock celebration, is  also arrested. Captain Tiago dies after learning of the incident. But before he dies he signs a will. His will originally states that Basilio should inherit all his property but due to this forgery his property is given in parts, one to Santa Clara, one for the archbishop, one for the Pope, and one for the religious orders leaving nothing for Basilio to be inherited. Basilio is left in prison as the other students are released. Basilio is soon released with the help of Simoun. Basilio, now a changed man, and after hearing about Julà ®s suicide, finally joins Simoun’s revolution. Simoun then tells Basilio his plan at the wedding of Paulita Gà ³mez and Juanito, Basilio’s hunch-backed classmate. His plan was to conceal an explosive which contains nitroglycerin inside a pomegranate-styled Ker osene lamp that Simoun will give to the newlyweds as a gift during the wedding reception. According to Simoun, the lamp will stay lighted for only 20 minutes before it flickers; if someone attempts to turn the wick, it will explode and kill everyone—important members of civil society and the Church hierarchy—inside the house. Basilio has a change of heart and attempts to warn Isagani, his friend and the former boyfriend of Paulita. Simoun leaves the reception early as planned and leaves a note behind: Initially thinking that it was simply a bad joke, Father Salvà ­ recognizes the handwriting and confirms that it was indeed Ibarra’s. As people begin to panic, the lamp flickers. Father Irene tries to turn the wick up when Isagani, due to his undying love for Paulita, bursts in the room and throws the lamp into the river, sabotaging Simouns plans. He escapes by diving into the river as guards chase after him. He later regrets his impulsive action because he had contradicted his own belief that he loved his nation more than Paulita and that the explosion and revolution could have fulfilled his ideals for Filipino society. Simoun, now unmasked as the perpetrator of the attempted arson and failed revolution, becomes a fugitive. Wounded and exhausted after he was shot by the pursuing Guardia Civil, he seeks shelter at the home of Father Florentino, Isagani’s uncle, and comes under the care of doctor Tiburcio de Espadaà ±a, Doà ±a Victorinas husband, who was also hiding at the house. Simoun takes poison in order for him not to be captured alive. Before he dies, he reveals his real identity to Florentino while they exchange thoughts about the failure of his revolution and why God forsook him, when all he wanted was to avenge the people important to him that were wronged, such as Elias,  Maria Clara and his father, Don Rafael. Florentino opines that God did not forsake him and that his plans were not for the greater good but for personal gain. Simoun, finally accepting Florentino’s explanation, squeezes his hand and dies. Florentino then takes Simoun’s remaining jewels and throws them into the Pacific Ocean with the corals hoping that they would not be used by the greedy, and that when the time came that it would be used for the greater good.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Kantian Theory Of Ethics And Morality Essay

The Kantian Theory Of Ethics And Morality Essay Kants theory of morality seems to function as the most feasible in determining ones duty in a moral situation. The basis for his theory is perhaps the most noble of any acting morally because doing so is morally right. His ideas, no matter how occasionally vague or overly rigid, work easily and efficiently in most situations. Some exceptions do exist, but the strength of those exceptions may be somewhat diminished by looking at the way the actual situations are presented and the way in which they are handled. But despite these exceptions, the process Kant describes of converting maxims to universal laws to test their moral permissibility serves, in general, as a useful guide to and system of ethics and morality. The Kantian Theory of Ethics hinges upon the concept of the Categorical Imperative, or the process of universalization. Kant describes taking a possible action, a maxim, and testing whether it is morally permissible for a person to act in that manner by seeing if it would be morally permissible for all people in all times to act in that same manner. Thus, Kant says that an action is morally permissible in one instance if the action is universally permissible in all instances. As human beings, we are forced to accept the inevitability of being unwillingly confronted with situations that test the strength of our morality and character. In the midst of deep moral conflict we become immensely introspective and we follow our intuition with the hopes of it guiding us towards the morally correct decision. However, how can we be sure that we have acted morally in a situation that is so morbid and perverse that our intuition is completely torn? This is the dilemma that is faced by Kant believed that the only thing of intrinsic moral worth is a good will. Kant says in his work Morality and Rationality The good will is not good because of what it affects or accomplishes or because of its adequacy to achieve someproposed end; it is good only because of its willing, i.e., it is good of itself. A maxim is the generalized rule that characterizes the motives for a persons actions. For Kant, a will that is good is one that is acting by the maxim of doing the right thing because it is right thing to do. The moral worth of an action is determined by whether or not it was acted upon out of respect for the moral law, or the Categorical Imperative. Imperatives in general imply something we ought to do however there is a distinction between categorical imperatives and hypothetical imperatives. Hypothetical imperatives are obligatory so long as we desire X. If we desire X we ought to do Y. However, categorical imperatives are not subject to conditions. The Categorical Impera tive is universally binding to all rational creatures because they are rational. Kant proposes three formulations the Categorical Imperative in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Moral, the Universal Law form *** Kantian ethics is a method of interpreting what one ought to do, which was devised by Immanuel Kant it is a duty-based theory and therefore, duty has a huge part to play within it. Kantian Ethics is an absolutist theory therefore suppresses any chance of exception through circumstances or outcome, but believes solely that the maxim of duty is the most important factor, if not the only factor in making a moral decision. For Kant, a moral action is not based upon feelings, inclination, or on the possibility of reward or positive outcome. Instead, a moral action is one based on a sense of this is what I ought to do. To use an example, helping an old woman across the street because you pity her is NOT a moral act, neither is it moral if you do it purely because you want to impress someone, the only way that it is a moral thing to do is if you do it out of a sense of duty because you can say to yourself I ought to help the elderly. According to Kant this is the only thing that matters when deciding whether or not to do something, because motive is the most important factor in Kantian ethics, it is possible for an action to have negative consequences while still being a moral act: mmanuelle Kant more focused on concept of moral duty and responsibility as main key characteristics of moral conscious that served as the foundation for deontological approach. He emphasized that there not separation between duty and consequences, but nevertheless there exist gap between duty and purely deontological theory. Morality is supposed to guide our actions, which it can only do if it motivates us, and that practical reasoning starts with what is good, and that the right response to what is good is to choose in accordance with it. To intend to do something bad, such as lie or kill, (even in order to bring about some good consequence) is not to order ones will in accordance with what is good. Is morality something we discover? Perhaps, if, one chooses to accept the integrity with ones personal experiences we all would share the same views. Thus, I believe that Kant argues morality and decision making must be a priori. Yet, I am still trying to wrap my head around what I am arguing. If one chooses moral actions via experience, it, neglects, the concept of consequences. I know that it was not mentioned via Kantian ethics; however, I argue that consequences should be included. Why? Because, one, I argue, looks into the consequences of their actions beforehand. That is not to say that it will stop them, yet it still crosses their minds. Again, I think that Kantian ethics brings a modern approach to the way we hold ethical principles today. However, it still seems that there are flaws and that one will still look into the consequences when thinking morally and ethically. Kants categorical imperatives are too rigid in my opinion. His view assumes that morality rests upon absolute directives, but the world is not so black and white. Many times situations do not have a well defined right and wrong and to say they do is over simplified. I do not agree with the principle of Kants categorical imperatives. The guideline states that performing a bad action to bring about a good effect is never morally acceptable but that performing a good action may be considered acceptable even if it causes a bad effect. What is considered good or bad is open to interpretation. An example on page 60 of the text says euthanasia is immoral because it essentially equates it with murder. I do not consider this murder if it is upon request of the ill patient and has the intention of relieving unbearable pain. Kants ethical theory at face value seems as though it could be effective. However it seems irresponsible to make a moral decision without factoring the outcome of your choice. It also seems bold of Kant to expect all decisions to be moral or immoral universally. The world is simply not that black and white. There are always exceptions. If the world did function as good vs. evil than Kants ideological theory in essence would work. Unfortunately the world has many more facets than that. The Kantian ethics differs from the utilitarianism theory in that it focuses more on the actions and the morality of those actions as opposed to the consequences. Kant is basically saying that the consequences dont matter as long as we act in a moral way. I dont agree with his statement that right actions depend on the least of consequences because actions, whether right or wrong usually depend on consequences because most of the times, consequences are what we associate with morals. Personally speaking, before going forward with any actions, I usually think about the consequences before anything else. I dont think about whether or not my actions are morally right. Isnt it possible to have actions that are morally right but consequences that are not? While I like the idea of applying maxims to actions, I dont think that it is very realistic because if it means that when you choose rules to live by, you have to make certain these are rules you would want the rest of the world to live by, then what would the consequences be? Or better yet, what would the need for consequences be? While I do like idea that we should treat people the way we would like to be treated or better yet as the human being we are, it could never work in todays society because even though everything would be on the same playing field, people would eventually take advantage of the rules or those who happen to live by those rules. One of the major cornerstones of Kantian ethics is the idea that it is the will of the person, not necessarily the consequences, that makes an action moral or not. If a person does something out of a sense of duty to moral law, then his actions have moral value. According to Kant, this means that if a person cares for his or her child out of the belief that caring for children is an important duty, he or she is acting ethically. If, however, a person cares for a child simply because he or she loves the child, this action is out of inclination rather than duty and not actually of moral value. Actions have consequences. We all know that. Sometimes when it comes time to face those consequences though, we do everything we can to avoid it or to hide our guilt. One of the hardest realities for some of us to learn is that our actions have consequences. Whatever we do either affects us or others, and usually both. We begin teaching our children at an early age Do not hit! and Do not bite! and a host of other Do nots! because our actions can hurt other people. We are teaching them that there are consequences to others because of our actions. We teach them to avoid fires and hot surfaces and playing in the street, because the consequences of these can be extremely hurtful to ourselves. Some, however, are slow to learn those lessons. Many, it seems, have to learn the hard way through suffering the consequences of their actions. Consider: There is a terrorist with a gun pointed at a group of innocent hostages being held by the terrorists. There is the declaration that he will kill them. Someone nearby has a gun and points it at the terrorist and shots. The would-be hero misses the target and kills one of the innocent hostages. Now is the act of the would-be hero good or bad. Is it the intention behind the act or the result of the act that makes it good or bad? If something is good is it good because of what it is or because of what it results in? This question sets out a basic question in ethical inquiry and concerning which there are two major braches or schools of thought. There are a number of ethical theories that can be categorized according to how they address this question.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Drawings for King Lear :: William Shakespeare Plays Literature Essays

Drawings for King Lear While in Paris in 1843-4, Ford Madox Brown sketched a set of eighteen pen-and-ink studies for King Lear. Two designs he later developed as finished paintings--Lear and Cordelia (1848-49) and Cordelia's Portion (1866)--and a third he turned into an oil-sketch, Cordelia Parting from Her Sisters (1854). Sixteen of the drawings were shown in 1865 at his Picadilly Exhibition, and Brown wrote the captions that appear below the drawings for the exhibition catalog. The sixteen sketches with captions are owned by the Whitworth Gallery in Manchester, and the two without captions are in the City Museum and Art Gallery of Birmingham. The drawings are done in pen and sepia ink over pencil on paper; they are approximately 11 x 14 inches in size. The idea of a series such as this was not original with Brown; the German artist Moritz Retzsch had completed his series of outlines of Shakespeare's plays (1828-46), which included a series on King Lear, and Eugà ¨ne Delacroix had published his series of thirteen lithographs for Hamlet in 1843, a year before Brown executed his drawings. Critics think Brown knew the work of both artists and was influenced by them. Brown regarded these sketches as no more than "outlines," writing in the catalogue that accompanied his 1865 retrospective exhibition that they "were never intended but as rude first ideas for future more finished designs" (19). Despite their unfinished quality, they powerfully evoke what Lucy Rabin describes as a "vaguely remote historical period" (52), a time represented by Shakespeare as post-Roman but still pre-Christian. Ford Madox Hueffer, the painter's grandson, suggests that the crudity of the sketches was, in fact, deliberate--Brown's attempt to portray in bold, almost flat designs the barbarity of Lear and the era in which he lived (53). Brown reveals in these simple depictions an understanding of King Lear that far surpasses anything the critics had to say about a play that was not at all popular in the nineteenth century. Charles Lamb observed early in the century that "Lear is essentially impossible to be represented on a stage," and at the end of the century--as in, for example, a review of Sir Henry Irving's King Lear at the Lyceum Theatre--the critics were still quoting Lamb and asserting that King Lear "would not be tolerated for an hour if produced without the name of Shakspere" (Illustrated London News 101:637). Small wonder that Sir Henry Irving was reportedly nervous and anxious when he produced this unpopular play at the Lyceum in 1892.

The Falling Sky :: essays research papers

I gave this paper quit a bit of thought; I was sitting in a meeting on some air problems here at General Motors and started doing some investigation. Life on this planet Earth is the product of a delicate balancing act provided by nature. Mankind’s very existence is totally dependent on this fragile ecosystem’s ability to maintain itself. A valuable player in the balance of the environment, the ozone layer, is facing a very serious threat to man. Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) are chemicals agents commonly found in refrigerants, aerosol sprays, and in the manufacturing of Styrofoam and industrial solvents. With the rate of more than a half-million tons CFCs being spewed into the atmosphere yearly, the rate of ozone depletion is rising at an alarming rate. If a global effort is not made to end the unnecessary use of CFCs, the inhabitants of this plant face an extremely difficult and frightening future. CFCs were invented in Dayton, Ohio; in 1928.They were the product of an intensive search by engineers with the G.M. Research Corporation to find a safe non-toxic, non-flammable refrigant. Frigidaire patented the formula CFCs in 1928 and the â€Å"new wonder gas† was called Freon. Seth Cargin and Phillip Dray, co-authors of Between Earth and Sky, informs us in their story of CFCs that â€Å"Freon soon topped the list of wonders, a ‘miracle’ refrigerant †¦[with the] combination of safety, cleanliness, and efficiency†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (66) Not only was the apparently â€Å"safe† gas being used in refrigeration, but with the innovation of air-conditioning by Willis Carrier prior to World War I, Freon would one day be used to cool our homes, automobiles, and businesses. Other applications for CFCs soon followed. Out of the need to eliminate malaria-carrying mosquitoes during the First World War, Freon 12 was found to be an excellent propellant to distribute insecticide—thus the birth of the aerosol spray can. â€Å"From eight aerosol-related companies in the late forties, the industry grew to more than one hundred just a few years later† (Cagin and Dray 87). CFCs were soon making the lives of millions of Americans much more comfortable. They were also making the Kinetic Chemical Company, a joint corporation of General Motors and Dupont who manufactured and marketed Freon, extremely wealthy. But in August of 1985, the entire world was informed by a group of scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center that the sky was literally falling. A NASA satellite photo revealed that a portion of the ozone layer the size of the continental United States had disappeared from the atmosphere above Antarctica.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Shakespeares Biography Essay -- essays research papers fc

SHAKESPEARE’S BIOGRAPHY Shakespeare’s Biography   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Shakespeare was a great writer who lead a very interesting life. In fact, he is often though of as â€Å"the greatest write of his time.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a child, William Shakespeare started his education at around the age of â€Å"six or seven at Stratford grammar school, also known as the King’s New School of Stratford-upon-Avon.†(Brooke pg23) It would be most likely that Shakespeare’s lessons would focus around â€Å"Latin composition and the study of Latin authors like Seneca, Cicero, Ovid, Vigil, and Horace.†(Brooke pg23) Shakespeare’s schooling did not last long however, when he was removed from school at the age of thirteen due to his father’s financial and social difficulties. This did not stop young Shakespeare from furthering his education however, and he began to write several plays, such as â€Å"Menaechmi.† It is impossible to trace what happened to Shakespeare from the time he left school till the time he re-emerged as an actor, so these years are rightfully referred to as his â€Å"lost years.† There is, however, a vital piece of information that emerges from this time, it is when Shakespeare betroths a pregnant orphan by the name of Anne Hathaway.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being at the age of eighteen, Shakespeare was fully aware of what love was. In his abuse of it with his slightly older mistress (by eight years), he managed to impregnate her. He immediately wed...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Colonization of Africa

Conquests, colonization, the slave trade, and the spread of consumerist society have shaped and formed the grounds for which developing countries find themselves today. The countries of the developing world subjected to colonialism have been faced with a number of impediments throughout the years which have hindered social and economic growth, and laid the foundation which bred cultural conflict. Colonialism, however, too bought Western civilization and all its attractions to underdeveloped countries during the process of colonialism.The following essay will highlight the effects of colonialism on the developing world from an economic, political and social perspective. The colonization of Africa has a long history, and can be explained as being set in motion as early as 200 AD, with the migration of Bantu speaking Africans from central Africa to the south of Africa due to the agricultural boom and overpopulation of tribes, known as one of the largest human migrations in history (ref) . Following the migration of the Bantu language group was the spread of Islam from 750 – 1500 AD, which was first accepted in West Africa by the Dya’ogo Dynasty.Following this spread, the establishment of empires throughout the continent transpired which created extensive trade networks throughout North and West Africa, allowing a peaceful medium through which Islam could broaden through the merchant class (Akosua Perbi, 2001). The Trans-Saharan and internal trade occurring in the same time period contributed to the diversity of inhabitants as a result of the ongoing slave trade through Ghana from the 1st to the 16th century. The first stage of European colonialism occurred during 1500 – 1880, and was based on the gold and slave trade.The Portuguese arrived on the coast of West Africa in 1471 to find a rapid trade in slaves and other goods between Ghana and its neighbouring coastal countries (Akosua Perbi, 2001). Portugal then continued to partake in the trade, and for 100 years were the only European country which traded directly with Ghana and its neighbouring countries (Kimble, 126). Wars often waged between neighbouring countries, with which captives were possessed as slaves and traded in Ghana for gold (Kimble, 126).The most important phase of colonialism, known as the European scramble for Africa, occurred during the 19th and 20th century following the collapse of the slave trade and the expansion of the European capitalist Industrial Revolution (Iweribor, 2002). It appears that three factors drove the push for European Imperialism, including economic, political and social motives. Driving the economic factor, the demand for assured sources of raw materials and the search for guaranteed markets and profitable investment outlets were the catalysts to the European scramble and the resultant conquest of Africa (Iweribor, 2002).The political force derived from the impact of inter-European power struggles between Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal and Spain too played an important role in the process of colonisation. To exhibit superiority, acquisition of territories around the world including Africa was essential to national pre-eminence. The social factor presented the third major element in the push to colonise. As a result of industrialization, extreme social problems appeared in Europe that included unemployment, poverty, social displacement and homelessness as not all people could be absorbed by the new capitalist industries (Iweribor, 2002).The acquisition of colonies enabled European countries to send this excess of population into what would then be established as settler-colonies in Algeria, Tunisia, South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Angola and some central African areas like Zimbabwe and Zambia (Iweribor, 1). The interplay of these economic, political and social factors led to the crazed attempts by European agents to declare and establish a share in African territory for trade and claims to control of waterways and commercial routes throughout parts of Africa.The extremity of the scramble forced the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck to convene a summit of European powers to avoid the possibility of inter-imperialist conflict, known as the Berlin Conference held from November 1884 to February 1885 (Stilwell, 2002). The conference fabricated the Berlin Act, a treaty with provisions to lead the conduct of the European imperialist opposition in Africa. This treaty, drawn up without African participation, provided the grounds for the successive separation, invasion and colonisation of Africa.It presented European powers an open market for trade that bought more from colonial power than it sold overall (Shillington, 2005). From this stage, African territory was divided randomly between the European countries. France and England had a significant influence in reshaping the colonies. Britain as well as Germany utilized the idea of ‘Imperial Monachy’, while t he French struggled to incorporate Africans into republican traditions (Grinker, 2010). During this process, some of the local values and institutions were replaced by more modern/western ones.Furthermore, colonisation obstructed the internal process of state formation and development in Africa, leaving legacies of corruption and political instability (Tangie, 2006). Africa experienced extreme cultural clashes which were resultant from the influence of political, economic, social and religious factors on the indigenous societies of Africa. Along with the occupation, the Europeans brought with them traditions and religions to implement and utilize as a justification for their presence in Africa at the time (Tangie, 2006).The effects of colonialism can be reflected in the changes touching various aspects including cultures and institutions. The exploitative utilization of Africa as a means of economic prosperity for the superior minority projected Africa as an inferior race. Colonizat ion was a means of displaying racial arrogance that humiliated African leaders and their people (Toyin, 2005). It encouraged competition and conflict between ethnic groups based on the ideals and principles that had been implemented in the various countries. With violence, colonialism created new frontiers and developed new economic and political objectives.New governments expressed their desire to maintain the colonial boundaries created during the colonisation period, however, it appeared that governmental institutions, good governance skills and experience to rule lacked. These boundaries created back-up zones for guerrilla groups to harass legitimate governments, and also made it impossible for internal unity and identity to be generated among African states (Jacobson, 2007). The imposition of a western system of governance has created many problems that have been difficult to solve over the years.The western system deviated from the culture and traditions of Africa, which were inherently dictatorial, starting from the family system and ending with the government. A gap was created between the tradition system of governance and that of the Western model, with minimal or no effort made to create a blend between the two. Therefore, as a result, all efforts were towards replacing the traditional systems that were identified as primitive, which veered off from the tradition and cultural norms of the people, contributing to a loss in identity (Jacobson, 2007).After the end of colonialism, a border dispute has become one of the most critical causes of conflict in Africa, particularly manifested in the boundary disputes between Ethiopia and Eritrea, and Nigeria and Cameroon as examples (Teshome, 2009). These lengthy periods of conflict and war, along with famine and droughts detrimentally affected the economy as well as the populations well-being. As a result, the output per head in Africa is the lowest of any major world region, and has expanded slowly only sinc e 1960 (Teshome, 2009).The negative effects of colonialism on education can be identified in some colonial countries such as Ethiopia. The Ethiopian educational system faced many obstacles due to the history of educational traditions, as for a long period of time religion was spread by Christian and Islamic missionaries. When Italy invaded Ethiopia, the educational system collapsed and the government was forced to rebuild the system from scratch, and by 1974 only 15. 3 percent of children were attending primary school.The main issues were related to the problems of quality, equity and relevance (Teshome, 2009). Another example relating to education is that of the Senegal case, which illustrates how little is possible when the education system has been affected. According to statistics, two thirds of children enrol in primary school and of that almost a quarter drop out later on (Teshome, 2009). While literacy for children was 49. 1 percent in 2004, in the same year the literacy for adults was only 39. 3 percent (Jacobson, 2007).Over half of the population are unable to read and write, which means over half of the population are unable to acquire jobs. Although colonialism created various obstacles to economic growth, it too introduced integration to the international system for Africa, abolishing the popular slave trade that existed in Africa preceding colonisation (Siemensen, 1999). Colonialism also created a rich diversity in Africa, with a mixture of people, languages, religions and customs which has created the ‘rainbow nation’ that we are identified with today.The process of colonialism also introduced many Western ideals and practices that are still implemented today that have positively influenced economic growth and social welfare. In conclusion, it can be identified that the effects of colonial rule over African countries has contributed significantly to the issues facing developing countries today in relation to economic growth, educatio n, development as well as war and conflict created through policies and ideals implemented during the process of colonialism by European countries.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Court Issues Analysis

Court Issues Analysis Michelle Capps CJA/394 October 29, 2012 Troy Hokanson Court Issues Analysis Today’s criminal justice system has come a long way from when it first was established, but with no question there is still much work that needs to be done. The juvenile justice system needs to work at making sure that the juveniles get a better and faster justice process. The debate of the juvenile justice system and the effectiveness of it remains a huge controversy in debates. The issue of language interpretation is another of many issues causing a stir in the justice system.With all of the immigrants and people who do not speak English that come through the justice system there needs to proper interpretation so they can have a fair and unbiased trial. This would allow them to understand their charges and what could happen to them during trial. Then there is the issue of victim’s rights and making sure that they are not being left out in the cold and over looked more tha n the offender. All of these issues could be monitored better or ever fix if there is a strong foundation in the management that runs the court system.Communication between all parts of the criminal justice system would catch situations that may arise. Current and Future Trends Facing Courts and Administration There are many issues facing the criminal court system and the administrators today. One problem is the juvenile court system and if it should be done away with. This debate is ongoing, and looks to have no end in sight. Juvenile courts are nothing like the original concept that was formed years ago. Juvenile court was intended to help the young offenders get their lives back on the right track, but today they focus on harsh punishment instead of rehabilitation.The question do juveniles get the due process they are entitled to is a main subject being debated. When juveniles are arrested they do not receive bail, trial by jury, or the right to a speedy trial like an adult. This is where the question comes into play are they being treated fairly? The debate of keeping a juvenile court system running is still being talked about today, and the biggest concern is the cost of running the court system. The cost is extensive and this is the main reason people believe it should be done away with all together.Another problem with the juvenile court system is the use of the waiver, because this is damaging to the integrity of the juvenile court system. The system sacrifices the juveniles that are seen as adults in order to save what are seen as true juveniles. If the line of criminal and juvenile courts were to be abolished then the youth advocates could focus more on ensuring the youth get a better and quicker defense (â€Å"Can We Do Without Juvenile Justice†, Criminal Justice Magazine, Volume 15, number 1, 2000). In the future there must be more focus on having a better juvenile justice system.One factor that could be looked at to improve the juvenile sys tem would be â€Å"blended sentencing†. This would allow judges to impose juvenile and adult sentencing at the same time. This would allow juveniles to see what would happen if they did not follow the rules of their juvenile sentencing, and could deter them from becoming a repeat offender (â€Å"What of the Future? Envisioning an Effective Juvenile Court†, Criminal Justice Magazine, Volume 15, Number 1, 2000). Case overloads are another problem that occurs in the criminal justice system.Public defenders are overloaded with way to many cases and have very little if any resources to turn to that will allow them to provide a good defense for their client. Having to many cases often makes them ask the judge for more time to prepare for their case and this causes the courts to be put on hold. This does not allow an offender to a fair speedy trial and cost the court more money if they keep putting the cases off to a later date. This problem could be eliminated if there was b etter case management in the justice system. Many people believe that the judge holds all the power but this is not true.The prosecutor really holds all the cards, because he decides if a case go to trial not the judge. This is where better management would help out with how cases are handled. With a strong management base then the system would run better because everyone involved in the cases that are seen would know more about what is going on. Communication is the main key to having a strong management base in the system. If the judge, prosecutor, and defense all communicate on the cases then they could move forward faster and have a better outcome. Interpretation Services Among the nation’s most significant trends for the 1990s and the next century are the interrelated ones of immigration and cultural diversity (National Center for State Courts, 2012)†. The estimated number of non-English speaking people in the United States was nearly 32 million in 1990. Diversity makes it difficult for the justice system to ensure the Constitutional Rights of the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the U. S. Constitution. Language barriers cause the offender to not know what is happening during their court proceedings.This is the main reason court interpretation is an issue for court management. Court interpretators are not qualified to work in a court room. This can lead to miscarriages of justice and wrongful convictions. In the future to help with this problem management needs to require that any person preforming court interpretation should have the minimum training requirements. A person being bilingual does not qualify a person to work as a court interpretator they must also know the law and how to report word for word of the statements being made.If proper training and management are carried out then this problem could not exist (National Center for State Court, 2012). Victims’ Rights Victims’ rights are an important part of the c riminal justice system. They ensure that the victims of crimes are protected from their offenders, and are allowed to follow their court cases from the beginning till the end. They allow the victim to know when their offender is set out on bail and allowed to make a victims impact statement during the trial process. This will allow the jury to see just how the crime has affected them and their family.In the future of victims; rights could highly depend on marketing more victimization prevention devices. People want to feel protected and devices such as: antitheft devices, alarm systems, license plate recognition, and surveillance cameras could do just that. The technology today makes people feel safer and they will buy devices such as these to protect themselves and their homes (Muraskin, R. &Roberts, A. R. , 2009). In conclusion, trying to solve many problems that are in the criminal justice could lead to a better running system.Making changes to the juvenile system so juveniles ge t a better outcome at their trial could lead to less juvenile crimes. Properly training court interpretors will help non-English people understand their right during their court proceedings and lead to less misinterpretation in court. Ensuring victims; rights are being followed will lead to a better understanding and trust between the community and police. New technologies made can put peace in a victims life that even police officers can’t because they cannot be there every minute of every day but security devices can.Finally, better management in the criminal justice system will lead to an altogether better justice system. This will allow for smaller case loads and less postponed cases on the docket. Communication between all parties involved could lead to fast and better outcomes to many cases, and this will cut on cost and time. Management is the foundation of the justice system and if there is a crack in the foundation of anything in time it will crumble to the ground. R eferences â€Å"Can We Do Without Juvenile Justice? † Criminal Justice Magazine, Volume 15, Number 1 1 (Spring 2000).Muraskin, R. & Roberts, A. R. (2009). Visions for Change: Crime and justice in the Twenty-first Century (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall National Center for State Court. (2012). The Increasing Importance of Language Interpretation as a Management Problem in the Courts. www. ncsconline. org/ Publications/Res_ctlnte_ModelGuideChapter1Pub. pdf â€Å"What of the Future? Envisioning an Effective Juvenile Court†. Criminal Justice Magazine, Volume 15, Number1, (Spring 2000).

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Essay on Stereotypes ††Example Essay

StereoTypes – Introduction Stereotypes are a part of our everyday life. We hear stereotypes every day and everywhere. Sometimes we can find ourselves in a situation where we make stereotypes for a large group of people. Every person, young or old, is labelled with either positive or negative stereotypes. Stereotyping is a way that people group each other. Each group is called by name, that doesnt really fit to everyone in that specific group. Stereotypes affect people’s social lives, emotions, and how people interact with their environment. There are times that you are not so open to the idea of meeting new people, and making new friends. You don’t want to go outside, because we have put our own set of rules in this world. We know that we get criticized about what we wear every single day! We are criticized in which music we listen to, how we look like, how we act, and who we hang out with. We are also criticized on every other personal trait and imperfection we have. We have put the bar way up high, maybe too high for our potentials. Stereotype Essay – What we really know? We cannot afford all the stereotyping that is going on between us. After we come and we say to people to just be who they are. If we say to a person that he or she is a hippie, just from the way they are dressed, that is just totally wrong. Hippie is someone who rejects the culture, not just the one who has long hair and wears beads. We are using the words in the wrong way. There are many people that have no friends, because they are tired of their critique. Leave everything behind and don’t let stereotypes ruin your social life. Stereotypes have an enormous impact of how we feel. That makes people have no motivation; therefore they won’t have good performance at any level in their life.For instance if a kid is stereotyped as black and obese, how can these words make him feel good, so that he/she can move on to the next level This can create psychological pressure. Other people face stereotypes as a threat. For example there is a stereotype that says that women are bad drivers. It puts even more pressure on how they feel, not only being around people who are labelling them, but being around people that they trust. They will try to prove to them that this is just a stereotype and it does not exist. In addition, this occurs in situations where people worry for their performance and how they look like. Besides that people don’t want their poor performance to lead to negative stereotypes.To modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodayMembers of stereotyped groups worry of what they are doing, and this makes them stressed, because they think that they have to be perfect, in all aspects of their lives! People get tired of being criticized all the time. When there is no one able to close people’s mouths, they start to become isolated. In the same way they don’t talk, because they are afraid to say something wrong, so that they won’t look silly. They are afraid of failure. For example, people seem surprised when they see men cry or being emotional. They think that men are not allowed to express their feelings, or men have no feelings at all. Men are not unconscious, they have feelings, but that is just a stereotype and a generalization from our society. It is easy to see that with are actions and sayings we are trying to kill emotions and thoughts! We should learn how to control our feelings and emotions, instead of letting stereotypes control them. In addition, your surroundings can be affected as well. If you had a bad day because someone just stereotyped you, when you go home or to your friends you are going to be really anxious. In addition you would probably get irritated or feel sad at the same time. You just go to your room or sit alone in a corner. When your loved ones see you like that they are not going to feel any better, because your emotions are now in control, and you just pass them around. In other words you broadcast your feelings to others. Furthermore there are times teachers question their students â€Å"Did I create a good environment, so that you can be able to talk and share ideas with the rest of your class?† Well, sometimes teachers cannot change this situation. The only people that can create a comfortable and happy atmosphere are us – the students. They are many stereotypes going in and out of every classroom. That’s why sometimes students can be afraid to share ideas, because before they were stereotyped as nerds. These days’ people are afraid to be themselves, because they fear other people. They don’t want people to think something bad for them. Secrets, thoughts, and ideas, are all held down. Stereotypes can be an obstacle as to how open you are with people and how you make people feel when you are with them! Conclusion Instead of focusing on all the mistakes of each person, we should start paying more attention of how unique each person is. Stereotype causes people to feel lonely and even sometimes depressed. It’s also harmful for their environment and their social life. We should keep stereotypes out of the picture, even though sometimes we can be victims ourselves. Stop judging people before you even get to know them. You may also like reading Dissertation Examples Methodology Essays – Dissertation ExampleTo modify or extend this essay or to get pricing on a custom essay Contact Us TodaySummary Reviewer Admin – Robert Gil Review Date 2017-06-30 Reviewed Item Essay on StereoTypes – Custom Essay Writing – Free Sample Author Rating 5

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Poetry Analysis of Third Eye by Bei Dao Essay

â€Å"He Opens Wide a Third Eye†¦Ã¢â‚¬  by Bei Dao in his written work Old Snow, is a narrative of one mans life and his epiphany on society as life and death would influence it. Bei Dao shows a man looking through a â€Å"third eye† or â€Å"inner eye† view, a very mystical and spiritual way to look at life that only the most enlightened peoples have been able to observe. The poem by Bei Dao starts off by a man opening wide his third eye, showing that finally this man has achieved enlightenment by spiritual guidance or by another catalyst of sorts and shows that he is now disconnected from the â€Å"world† and is in his own mind to see what the â€Å"world† has to tell him and really offer. In the first lines of the poem Dao states a â€Å"star above his head† (Dao 325) as appeared and a man â€Å"opens wide a third eye† (Dao 325). The star above the mans head is his third eye, an untypical way to see the world in which he lives, and he sees this light or third eye due to the process in which he opened it. This star can be a warming feeling or it is due to a bright light that he sees in which his spiritual journey as begun. Dao goes on to paint a vivid picture of â€Å"warm currents from both east and west† (Dao 325) that â€Å"have formed an archway† (Dao 325) these currents show that the man experiencing this spiritual enlightenment has a view of all premonitions of life and his ideals have formed this archway that has emerged. The archway is very symbolic it can be the mans morals to life and the currents from east to west, are morals of the outside world that don’t influence him but now have. Due to this vision the man is now debating on how to view the world there is a fire brewing inside the man, good or evil he cannot choose, he sits there in remorse and now sees a future that he cannot escape. While he contemplates these new morals in which to live he can now see an alternate route an expressway that â€Å"passes through the setting sun† (Dao 325) this will lead him to, something, which may be his final destination and resting place. Yet, all these new vision are scary for he doesn’t know where it leads him but at the same time are very intriguing. The road through the setting sun is beautiful, hot, blinding, and spacy – for he doesn’t know if this route will lead him to death, new land or new life, but he starts to connect more with the earth and begins to feel a oneness with his life. This new world will make you die, and the man knows this. There is so much pressure on him to do what is right and to move mountains just as the camel does before it collapses into the setting sun and becomes a skeleton. The camel is a lot like the man, taking a journey through strange passages of mountain peaks by himself to get to new land. But to follow this path in the end will lead to intimate death, not the camel nor the man have any idea of this happening but for a strange reason are happy to travel this path. The camel and the man see this path and gladly take the responsibility to march over it, even when they think they are still moving along they have been dead for so long. So much so that the camel has turned into a skeleton, all flesh has been ripped off its body and turned into energy or other sorts – for scavengers or even the very soil they walked on before knowing. This feeling of a oneness is still apart of the man and camel, for all the energy they have taken from the earth for their lives that has sustained them is now being returned back. Before you die you are apart of the earth and now the earth starts to become a part of them. Turned â€Å"into a layer of coal† (Dao 325) the camel is now a usable source of transportation as he was for many a man while he was living – his duties to human kind pass on with him from life to death. All the energy used as a living animal is now being returned as coal. Which shows that the connection to earth is strong and real. This is the end to the first stanza of the poem â€Å"He Opens Wide a Third Eye†¦Ã¢â‚¬  by Bei Dao. Dao doesn’t just simply end the poem here there are still many unawnsered questions to the mans life and in which direction it is headed. In the start of stanza two the man is now thinking heavily about his life and does not know where his spiritual journey will take him, yet he sits calm and contemplates the theory of his life. Now underwater, once again in a new surrounding the man see’s a new outlook on life but still has no idea in which direction or mind set in which he will take it. Calm, stable, and fully submerged in water he sits and waits to see a new light. He controls his feelings and is now open to all aspects of life, not knowing where to turn he looks forward as a dark cloud approaches him – a school of fish. The fish are looking at him and confused of an outside influence. We can view the school of fish as people on earth and the man sitting in the water as their surroundings and how he will now influence them. The fish seem to be so flustered by something new and alien life that they don’t know how to act its an obstacle in the way of their path yet none of them know where to turn. Looking around the man see a flashing light above him, a golden coffin of freedom – an easy way out. Even though he is stuck under the water, or stuck on earth he sees this as a prison, his life is locked up forever in his own flesh, skin and bones. Taking in more of his surroundings the man sees people standing idly behind a giant rock as if they are of great importance and have been watching him the whole time. This giant rock and the people he sees can be viewed as life in the world, the city he lives and the people that are important to his life. Should he stay with them and live as he was or now take these new influences of life and live as he should or die and go to the golden coffin, die, earlier then expected. As he takes in his surroundings the people are still staring, judging his every move and every move he made in his life. They are judging to see if he will make the right choice, to see if he has made the right choices before and to see if he is truly able to be apart of the Emperor’s memory (heaven). In the last line of the poem Dao states a very powerful line â€Å"the exile of words has begun† (Dao 326). There is no more talking, no more waiting its do or die from here on out. The man starts to awaken from his spiritual journey as he got full intentions where his life was heading if he kept living the way he was. Yet he can’t explain what has happened to him, lost of words he now sees life in a new light. And now the greatest conflict has occurred, will he change his life and do good by being his own being and follow the new path through the setting sun or will he be affected by outside influence and sit idly by like the people behind the rock and do as society tells him. This poem is about great strife in one mans life and shows how one single outlook or journey can change one mans perspective to start to live differently. But who is the man? What is the journey he just took? What theories or morals did he take from this great extensive spiritual journey? Is it really for a better cause or not? How will the outcome, if he changes his life, be any different as the old path the man took? For one to observe life through their â€Å"third eye† they must spend years meditating and opening their chakras – this could take a lifetime and still is not unanimously possible to achieve. For this man, maybe it is Bei Dao himself that has achieved this enlightenment, shows he is a very spiritual man and already see’s life as something so abstract for the rest of the words people – even without using his â€Å"third eye†. To see through this â€Å"third eye† and to comprehend what you or one is seeing, we must first open our minds to a broader aspect of the world and see beyond materialism, societies pressure on its people, and block out all worldly possession and distractions – to fully understand and view what one is saying. Yet another, abstract, way to view through this third eye is one of high risk, low reward, and very out there. One can say you can open your â€Å"third eye† by a spiritual psychedelic experience by taking a predetermined amount of dose’s of Magic Mushrooms, Lysergic Acid diethylamide (LSD), Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), or Ayahuasca (a leaf from the amazon used in tea that is a very highly potent psychedelic experience) all of which are highly more potent then the next and can give a human being major visions, sights and sounds to show you the â€Å"real world†, or the world of the third eye and what it is truly about, to show you how your life is being lived and how it impacts others or others can impact you. All these methods of enlightenment are still used today in cultures with a high priest or shaman in ones hierarchy. For them to reach such enlightenment and to open your â€Å"third eye† using one of these catalysts to boost the enlightenment path is greatly smiled upon and used in day-to-day life. For one to reach such enlightenment and have these outlooks on life is to be a man of great respect, honor, courage, discipline and considered a special person– for a simple man could not handle the â€Å"truths† that he sees. The journey that Bei Dao or an anonymous man had really that significant? Was this man a high-ranking priest in his village and his visions show a new world order in which his people have to conform to? Or is it ones man spiritual psychedelic experience that has no meaning towards life and is just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to screw with his mind? Does the third eye really exist and if it does, is it an intelligent path to follow or just another way to live? No one can really explain until we take the right of passage ourselves and live out the life we are intended.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Playing God in the Garden-Planting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Playing God in the Garden-Planting - Essay Example Biotechnology foods may be unnerving to some, but in our quest to feed the world at an affordable cost we need to make some trade offs. Pollans article is a good common sense look at the subject. Nothing comes without a risk, but companies and investors that take that risk need to know that they are making a bet on their own reputation and their financial future. First of all, Bio-Toxin potatoes are not as unsafe as some of the chemicals used in conventional food products. With every new innovation in pest or weed management, there comes a risk of one-day discovering a long-term health effect. The age of chemicals introduced Alar, DDT, and Heptachlor as a miracle application that would produce more food at a lower cost. They were discovered to be extremely harmful to the ecology of our planet as well as our personal health. Socially, we reversed our direction and the industry developed safer products. Unlike the past, Monsanto needs to put its money where its mouth is in regards to its belief that the new genetically engineering approach is safe. Of course, when weve seen the results of tobacco, asbestos, and Enron, there are few reasons to trust a multi-national conglomeration with their reach. The public needs to hold Monsanto and the scores of other biotechnology companies financially and socially responsible for their products. The FDA and the EPA have passed the ball back and forth but have refused to get involved in the game. They have left it to the companies and they and their investors need to be aware that they will be held accountable. Past genetic engineering was slow and took generations to produce any results. 50 years ago, plant geneticists were crossing drought resistant soybeans with a variety that was resistant to mold. After generations of selection, they had a new variety that had the mold resistant gene. Today, this is done in a petri dish in a fraction of the time. There is little difference in the two

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Analysis of Lewis Structures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Analysis of Lewis Structures - Research Paper Example The following are examples of the structures in a monoatomic form: Lewis structures are also used to indicate bonding in the form of a dash (-) for covalent bonds or a charge (+ or -) for ionic bonds (Schodek and Bechthold 301). Some examples: The bonds that are formed in the polyatomic structures usually have angles. The angles result in molecular geometry, which is best represented experimentally with the use of balls and sticks. The bonding angles that are involved in the analysis include linear, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, trigonal planar, or bent. These are the geometries used in the Lewis structure experiments, though there are other geometric formations, where the structure does not adhere to the octet rule. Experimental Use The experimental representation of the Lewis structure requires the use of the following materials: A ball that has four holes, to be used as the central atom Inflexible sticks or straws for the single bonds a Flexible sticks or connectors for the dou ble or triple bonds The lone pairs around the central atom requires inflexible sticks NB: the balls used should be different in color as well as size to ease the representation of the elements and the electrons, with the central ball preferably larger. Arranging the experimental balls requires adherence to the guidelines for arranging the atoms, electrons, and bonds in the structures. Guidelines Involved In Using the Structures The rules in the experimental process of producing the Lewis structures follow these steps: 1. Draw the dot and structure diagram of the molecules or ions in question. For this step, knowledge on the bonds formed, their angles as well as geometry is important. The arrangement of the elements in the molecules is first established at this point. The central atom has to be established, the central atom, the element that holds most of the bonds is the structure. The following step to get involved into is the calculation of the valence bonds that are involved in t he bond formation, for a molecule (Schodek and Bechthold 501). The individual atoms and their configuration have to be considered in this case. The periodic table of elements is handy at this stage. The follow-up is the identification of bonds, following the octet rule i.e. a stable atom has to obtain a stable gas configuration in bond formation. 2. Determination of the overall and molecular geometry of the dot structure Using the knowledge of the geometry of formation, only as the octet rule applies, studying the dot structure allows inception of whether the structure is a linear, tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal, trigonal planar, or bent formation. The main concept regarding the bond formation and geometry is the bond angles, which are 180 ° for the linear, 120 ° for the trigonal planar, 109.5 ° for the tetrahedral, 90 °, 120 ° and 180 ° for the trigonal by pyramidal, 90 ° and 180 ° for the Octahedral, etc (Schodek and Bechthold 492).  Ã‚  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Innovation and change (Mobile phone industry ) Essay

Innovation and change (Mobile phone industry ) - Essay Example Government has always bended its brows on companies that have innovated in their technology and business practices but not provided for safe and eco-friendly disposal of parts and batteries (â€Å"Life Cycle Management: A business guide to sustainability†). Being responsible to the environment affects the product offering in the way that consumers make an image of unethical manufacturer in their minds. Nokia has been able to create a good image by providing for eco-friendly disposal of its handset parts across the world. Taxes are means of revenues for Government. A flourishing industry provides better prospects of high taxes to the government. Mobile phone industry has climbed up the ladder of evolution and growth in a very short span and has also been taxed heavily for latest technological innovations. These innovations sometimes help to curb emerging competition due to its monetary intensity and also help avoid malpractices which might take place under innovation disguise. Consumer protection laws and regulations also have a huge bearing on innovation taking place in mobile industry. Innovations are expensive and if the involved technology does not satisfy customer requirements, it has to be replaced abiding by consumer laws, which could be a means of huge losses for the innovator (Bonthron 2009). Technology reducing international distances every day, mobile manufacturers have to resort to efficiency in operational costs by rationalizing their supply chain through international trading. However, across borders, import and export charges and duties have much affected the growth of mobile phone innovation. There have been many cases where host government has denied entry of foreign players due to the fear of their market being captured by other telephony giant, thereby siphoning a major portion of their GDP. Competition has been very stiff in the mobile phone